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General Medical Services

General Medical Services

  1. Respiratory Services
         1. Upper airway endoscopy
         2. Lower airway sampling utilizing Bronchoalveolar lavage and Trans-tracheal wash
         3. Thoracic ultrasound
         4. Medical and Surgical treatment of many resp. diseases
  2. Ambulatory Services
         1. Ambulatory services are available for herd health calls
         2. Emergency ambulatory services are offered when events allow
  3. Dental Services
         1. Utilize Powerfloat technology for both routine and corrective procedures
         2. We offer both inter-oral and surgical molar extractions
         3. Corrective procedures include incisor reduction, molar reduction, and periodontal treatment

  4. Internal Medical Diagnosis & Treatment
         1. Neurology: Diagnosis and treatment of (EPM) Equine Protozoal Myelitis, Wobbler Syndrome, and
             other conditions of the brain and spinal cord.
         2. Gastroenterology:  incl. diagnosis and treatment Colic, Gastric Ulcers, and other GI disorders.

  5. Herd Health
         1. We offer Preventicare program
         2. Customized vaccination programs
         3. Customized internal parasite programs

sports medicine

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